Tuesday, June 3, 2008

OldeWhig’s Dubble-Triple 1.0

Here's a recipe I put together about a month ago. The style is somewhere between a strong dubble and a triple. Overall I think this is a pretty good beer. It's very malty and has some traces of fruit. The main problem I encountered with this beer was poor head retention and it wasn't as complex as I'd like. The recipe and specs are below

Batch: 5 gallons

Boil: 3 Gallons

6 lbs gold malt extract

3 lbs light DME

1 lbs Belgium rock candy sugar

1 lbs Belgium soft candy sugar

1 oz saaz hops (60 min)

1 oz Fuggles (20 min)

1 oz saaz (8 min)

White labs Abby Ale yeast

Add gypsum and Irish moss as required


OG: 1.093

FG: 1.023

IBU: 24

SRM: 16

I used 1 ¼ cup DME to carbonate, this resulted in a very smooth drink, but personally I would have liked more fizz. Also be sure to bottle condition for at least 3 weeks.

Next time I brew this beer I plan to drop the OG by decreasing the candy sugar, I'll incorporate some special B and maybe chocolate malt to the grain bill for better head (that's what she said) and complexity, bump up the IBUs just a tad, and I may also attempt to carbonate at a higher level.

If you want a more fruity brew, try using white labs Trappist ale yeast.